Episode Seven: Weather Vane

The story of weather forecasting is the story of how humans came to think they could predict the future. In this episode, Jill Lepore looks at the history of meteorology, and the story of a revolutionary cloud scientist who tried to control the weather. For a transcript of this episode, click here.


Episode Six: Good Boy

In 1920, a young writer named Hugh Lofting published the first Dr. Dolittle story. A century years later, Jill Lepore goes in search of the new Dr. Dolittles changing the world of animal science. Specifically, dog science. For a transcript of this episode, click here.


Special thanks to Pace Amidon, Wes Crawford, Emily-Jane Dawson, Joseph Dusenbury, Kyle Huizenga, Neil Knobloch, Ben Meyer, Amy Mitchell, Linda Whiting, Gabe Wilson, and the Rohrbacher family.

Episode Five: The Farming Game

During the 1970s farm crisis, a young family nearly lost everything as family farms and agricultural folk knowledge began to vanish. Then, they invented a board game. For a transcript of this episode, click here.


Special thanks to Pace Amidon, Wes Crawford, Emily-Jane Dawson, Joseph Dusenbury, Kyle Huizenga, Neil Knobloch, Ben Meyer, Amy Mitchell, Linda Whiting, Gabe Wilson, and the Rohrbacher family.

Episode Four: The Tree Branch

This episode, the celebration of an anniversary — sort of. The anniversary of a dream. An alternate history: imagining what the world might be like if, fifty years ago, in 1972, Americans had ratified an Environmental Rights Amendment. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting not only protection–but representation–to the natural world. For a transcript of this episode, click here.