Episode 6: It Came From Outer Space
A fake moon landing…
Astronauts carrying space pathogens back to earth. Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain. HIV manufactured in a government laboratory. COVID-19 vaccines killing millions. In this episode, Jill Lepore follows a trail of disease stories and conspiracies from Apollo 11 to COVID-19. In part two of our series about the moon landing: Apollo’s splashdown, and the tidal wave of doubt it set off.
Photo: National Museum of the U.S. Navy
Key Sources
You can listen to NASA’s Mission Control communicating with Apollo 11 here.
Listen to “In the Year 2525” by Zager and Evans.
Read the NASA Apollo 11 re-entry flight journal here.
Watch President Richard Nixon greeting the quarantined Apollo 11 crew.
Watch a 1976 PSA warning about the swine flu, and read the government-commissioned account of the vaccination saga.
Watch this 60 Minutes episode about the swine flu.
Read a timeline of HIV/AIDS here.
Here’s a 1987 CBS broadcast airing the falsehood that AIDS was created in a U.S. laboratory.
Watch more of the Reagan administration’s response to the AIDS epidemic here.
Read historian of science Joanna Radin’s writing about Michael Crichton.
Mae Brussell tapes courtesy of www.maebrussell.com.